Monday, October 8, 2012

fin de cemana Where the doormen wear Beefeater costumes and the cable cars glide by constantly. This splendid Art

Wells Fargo History Museum The Wells Fargo stagecoaches are the stuff of legends, above all for the tales of their stalwart drivers and the robbers who held them up. Visitors can hear how it must have been to sit on little more than a buckboard for days by listening to the recorded diary of one Francis Brocklehurst. Other exhibits include Pony Express mail, gold nuggets, and photos, and Emperor Norton s currency fin de cemana (see p54). d 420 Montgomery St Map N5 Open 9am 5pm Mon Fri (415) 396-2619 Free www.

Where the doormen wear Beefeater costumes and the cable cars glide by constantly. This splendid fin de cemana Art Deco land mark is just a block off Union Square. All in all, a very festive and colorful feel, both in the public and private rooms. d 450 Powell St Map P4 (415) 392-7755 www.sirfrancis Dis. access

In-line Skating Golden Gate Park and in line skaters make a perfect match, especially on Sundays, when the main street in the park is closed to cars. Or try the path that runs along Marina Green for smoothly paved surfaces.

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