Thursday, October 25, 2012

west inn beijing The Embarcadero The Embarcadero starts at Aquatic Park and curves all the way around to Hunters Poin

The Embarcadero The Embarcadero starts at Aquatic Park and curves all the way around to Hunters Point at the southeastern edge of the city. Now that the Port of Oakland handles west inn beijing the Bay s shipping needs, the old piers are used for any number west inn beijing of purposes these days, and the parallel road has recently become a park promenade west inn beijing (see p49). Pier 39 is the most famous west inn beijing since it was turned into an amusement attraction in the 1980s, while other piers house concerts, festivals, antiques fairs, and restaurants. When looking for a particular pier, note that those to the north of the Ferry Building have odd numbers and those to the south, even. d Map G1

The Richmond District This flat district of row houses begins at Masonic Street, sandwiched between Golden Gate Park and California Street. It ultimately extends all the way to the Pacific Ocean, being more and more prone to stay fog-bound west inn beijing the farther west you go. The district is very ethnically diverse and resound ingly middle class. Over the decades, it has been settled by White Russians, East European Jews, and most recently Chinese-Americans and another wave of Russians. d Map C3

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